The Chickens

Amy wants to get chickens.  This is something she's been thinking about for some time, but a recent article in the Advocate, (the local paper,) has really galvanized her.  Others in Red Deer have chickens, and now that she has seen it is possible she's all for it.  The City of Red Deer currently has no legislation regarding the raising of what are traditionally "farm animals" in urban areas, and the are drafting a bylaw.  We're not talking an industrial type operation; just maybe four laying hens for eggs.

Originally, I was definitely NIMBY about it.  However, being me, and having gotten alot of odd looks and negative feedback from people I've mentioned it to I have now gone into F-you-all mode and decided to go for it.  Makes alot of sense when you think about it:
CLUCK - Canadian Liberated Urban Chicken Klub: Red Deer Chapter

Promoting urban chicken keeping in the Red Deer area, supporting those with urban chickens, and encouraging those who are on their way to backyard chickens!

Benefits to raising hens in the City of Red Deer include:
1. Fresh, healthy, delicious eggs, free of pesticides and antibiotics.
2. Chickens eat table scrapes, reducing municipal organic waste.
3. Chickens produce a rich fertilizer by-product, high in nitrogen, eliminating the need for petrochemical fertilizers.
4. Educational - teaches children where our food comes from and demonstrates responsible pet ownership(chores).
5. Great pets - Chickens are people-friendly.
6. Chickens eat bugs, reducing our backyard pest population.

I borrowed this from the CLUCK facebook page for the Red Deer chapter.

There are numerous resources out there for the urban chicken supporter, with many links with research and coop construction plans (for free!), and pages of breed characteristics.  I am now looking forward to this little adventure.  There's a poultry show coming at the Westerner in December, and Amy and I will definitely be there.

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